Butt Lite IIIII Results

Place Rider # Name(s) After Leg 1 After Leg 2 After Leg 3 After Leg 4 / Final
Miles Score Miles Score Miles Score Miles Score PPM
1 19 Peter Behm 1413 3455 3070 7726 5741 15057 7511.1 23708 3.16
2 8 Derek Dickson 1319 3386 3003 7698 5203 12507 7916.8 22281 2.81
3 34 Jim & Donna Phillips 1354 3002 3004 6196 6129 13829 8142.3 21500 2.64
4 9 John Coons 1393 3431 2928 6649 5440 12256 6799.0 20667 3.04
5 18 Brian Johnson 1445 3290 3046 6281 5984 12585 8154.9 20593 2.53
6 23 Andy Kirby 1219 2972 3022 6008 5784 11582 7683.8 18745 2.44
7 31 Rick Miller 1239 3340 2836 5416 5396 10587 7445.4 18266 2.45
8 14 Victor Wanchena 1431 2876 2932 5475 5737 10326 7242.0 17920 2.47
9 22 Howard Stueber 1422 2876 2917 5475 5700 10326 7222.8 17920 2.48
10 13 Bill Thweatt 1151 3197 2463 5656 4775 10618 6527.5 17091 2.62
11 17 Jim Winterer 1139 3197 2436 5656 4720 10618 6477.4 17091 2.64
12 33 Mike Senty 1233 2827 2756 6142 5475 10827 7151.8 16489 2.31
13 7 George Barker 1340 3431 2727 5749 5169 9804 6981.8 16324 2.34
14 12 Joe DeRyke 1246 2566 2526 4215 4569 6929 6243.1 13488 2.16
15 35 Dave Bourdeaux 1134 2291 2872 3717 5330 6486 6971.5 13175 1.89
16 2 Jeff & Milinda Bakker 1210 2972 2755 6287 4845 8701 6606.9 13168 1.99
17 15 Joe Leggett 1213 2650 2535 3869 4524 7765 6105.9 13127 2.15
18 20 Charles Huber 1200 2779 2936 4646 5345 8931 6542.4 13055 2.00
19 37 Richard Buber 1110 2586 1110 2586 3830 7271 5561.7 12933 2.33
20 10 Fred Drogenmueller 1276 2230 2592 3879 4596 6593 6281.2 12764 2.03
21 27 Michael Snodgrass 1240 1944 2555 3693 4636 7054 6016.6 11801 1.96
22 28 Don Bourdeaux 1164 2291 2916 3387 5293 6768 6463.4 9864 1.53
23 16 Darryl Doughty 1123 1342 2371 1468 4739 3334 5824.9 6743 1.16
24 4 Aaron Petty 1283 3238 2904 5867 2904 5867 6395.8 5787 0.90
25 6 Fergus Hand 1250 3076 4276 5620 4276 5620 2663.9 5620 2.11
26 29 William Brunell 1284 1950 2981 4354 2981 4354 2974.4 4354 1.46
27 30 Wes McCann 1446 3441 2769 4294 2769 4294 2654.8 4294 1.62
28 32 Jon McDermott 1291 1709 2678 4253 2678 4253 2745.0 4253 1.55
29 3 Dennis Powell 1331 3224 3100 4151 3100 4151 3013.1 4151 1.38
30 11 Mike Phelps 1310 3496 1310 3496 1310 3496 1301.3 3496 2.69
31 24 Martin Cook 1331 1579 2958 3028 2958 3028 2862.8 3028 1.06
32 26 Bart Bakker 1177 2925 1177 2925 1177 2925 1201.0 2925 2.44
33 25 Rick Snyder 1163 2779 1163 2779 1163 2779 1165.6 2779 2.38


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