Touch 'em All Baseball Grand Tour


Touch 'em All Baseball Grand Tour

March 1 through October 31, 2014

(GT #4 of 4 Team Strange Memory Lane GTs.
Originally run by Team Strange Airheads in 2002)

New for 2014 (and recycled from 2002), the Touch 'em All! Baseball Grand Tour!

With over 200+ ballparks available in the Major and Minor leagues, you will have plenty of riding ahead. Join the boys of summer, take a picture, you might even think about stopping for a game, eat a dog (hotdog that is) and enjoy yourself! In fact we highly recommend you call ahead, you may even get your bike out on the diamond during the 7th inning stretch.

Here is the short and skinny: you will need a picture of your rally flag with stadium / ballpark name (it would be nice to see the bike too, but we realize that is not always possible) to earn a point. With 15 points, you have finished!

Entry fee is $50. ($35 if signed up for more than one Memory Lane GT)

Your entry includes: Rally Flag, and a Special 30th Anniversary Team Strange t-shirt for $50 entries. Discounted entries do not include a t-shirt.

Rally Flag and t-shirt mailings will begin around February 15, and thereafter whenever riders sign up.

Touch 'em All! Baseball Grand Tour Scoring

Basically your final finishing position on the Touch 'em All! Baseball Grand Tour is decided by points, not locations visited. Scoring on this event is as follows:

A) Every stadium / ballpark / field from Major or Minor League Baseball: 1 point
(if the stadium is home field to multiple teams, a photo for each team must be submitted.)

Allowable Stadiums are found at and which are the publicly available sources of information for Major and Minor League Baseball. At last update these links provide specific locations: and

B) Bonus locations: 3 points each

C) The Big Bonus: 15 points

Bonus Locations (3 points each)

A) National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum, Cooperstown NY

B) Canadian Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum, Ontario

C) Negro League Baseball Museum, Kansas City, Missouri

D) Louisville Slugger Museum, Louisville, Kentucky

E) Field of Dreams, Dyersville, Iowa

Big Bonus (15 points)
A photo of you, your motorcycle (if possible), rally flag, and Mr. Bud Selig.

Grand Tour Rules
1) To successfully complete the event, you must have a finishing score of 15 points or more. Finishing will get you an Official Team Strange 30th Anniversary pin and an entry into the Team Strange Memory Lane Prize Pool #1 for a $250 Gift Certificate.

2) Riders earning a finishing score of 30 points or more will receive the above (pin and prize pool #1 entry) and have an entry in the Team Strange Memory Lane Prize Pool #2 for a $500 Gift Certificate.

3) Riders scoring 45 points or more will be included in the entry into Team Strange Memory Lane prize pools #1, #2 (see above) and #3 for a $750 gift certificate in addition to receiving the Team Strange 30th Anniverary finishers pin.

4) The top finisher (based on point totals) will receive a plaque to "impress" their friends plus entry into Team Strange Memory Lane prize pools #1, #2 and #3!

5) All photos (or links to digital photo albums) must be submitted on or before November 1, 2014. Send your digital photos via e-mail to  Better yet, send a link to your photos to and host your photos on a free site like Photo Bucket. No Polaroid, tin etching, printed photo, or other archaic mechanism for sharing an image should appear in our mail boxes. We know some of you struggle to catch up to the latest technologies from 1995, but digital is the only way to finish this ride.

6) You must have the stadium name and rally flag in the photo. We realize that some stadiums/fields may not offer the ability to show your bike, but this is a motorcycle tour, make a legal attempt to get the bike in the shot. Team Strange is not responsible for parking violations etc. received while attempting to get your photo. Choose your shot wisely and don’t be a knucklehead.

7) All "bonus" locations must have the item or a sign identifying it as that location. Road signs pointing to the ballpark / stadium will not be accepted. It must be an entrance sign or sign at the field / building clearly stating the name of the location.

8) Two up passenger must appear in at least one half of your photos.

9) Have Fun! Be safe! Be smart! Have fun!



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